Book Chapter In: Artificial Neural Networks
Isn’t it incredible that the big bang theory thus confirms what the Christian theist has always believed: that in the beginning God created the universe? From the very nature of the case, this cause must be an uncaused, changeless, timeless, and immaterial being which created the universe. Because it also created space, it must transcend space as well and therefore be immaterial, not physical. Since the Reformers affirmed that divine choice cannot be based on merit, love must be the central divine attribute operating in salvation. Moreover, I would argue, it must also be personal. They are aware of our personal life goals and are assigned to assist us, but never interfere with our free will. The third alternative rejects both of these accounts in favor of an intelligent Mind behind the cosmos, who designed the universe to permit life. Who gave them permission. Allah loves a servant who when performing a task does so skillfully. The only way for the cause to be timeless and the effect to begin in time is for the cause to be a personal agent who freely chooses to create an effect in time without any prior determining conditions.
Second, in addition to these constants there are certain arbitrary quantities which are just put in as initial conditions on which the laws of nature operate, for example, the amount of entropy or the balance between matter and anti-matter in the universe. The existence of intelligent life depends upon a conspiracy of initial conditions which must be fine-tuned to a degree that is literally incomprehensible and incalculable. There must have been a cause which brought the universe into being. But that entails that since past events are not just ideas, but are real, the number of past events must be finite. A finite line segment is not made up of some finite number of points such that the addition or subtraction of a (finite) number of points will change its length. But mathematicians recognize that the existence of an actually infinite number of things leads to self-contradictions. If there is no God, then there is ultimately no hope for deliverance from the shortcomings of our finite existence. Or again, if there is no God, there is no hope of deliverance from aging, disease, and death. But ultimately mankind is doomed to perish in the heat death of the universe. Beyond that, he’s the Third Force of the Universe and keeps the balance between Eternity and Death.
In which area of the country is the Royal Canadian Mounted Police not the primary police force? For example, the physicist P. C. W. Davies has calculated that a change in the strength of gravity or of the atomic weak force by only one part in 10100 would have prevented a life-permitting universe. I belong to the beloved, have seen the two worlds as one and that one call to and know, first, last, outer, inner, only that breath breathing human being. Supremely, he entered human history in Jesus Christ, where he died and rose again to save us from our sins. It shares many attributes of human governments, yet it is superior to them in every way. The first alternative holds that there is some unknown Theory of Everything (T.O.E.) which would explain the way the universe is. There are many important examples in the life of Prophet (PBUH) which puts emphasis on the importance of intentions and motives of a person. So, just how many Muslim countries in the world are majority Muslim, meaning either Shia or Sunni Muslims comprise the majority of the people there? Mobilization refers to any event by which God’s people are awakened and kept moving and growing until they find their place of strategic involvement.
The most sacred duties of Islam are the Jihad and Hajj. Given that we are here, we should expect the universe to be fine-tuned. So what about the second alternative, that the fine-tuning of the universe is due to chance? This fine-tuning is of two sorts. Now I put it to you: which makes more sense: that the Christian theist is right or that the universe popped into being uncaused out of nothing? Jesus is not telling peter to put his sword up because he against the use of force, he is against the prevention of God’s plan. The amount paid varies in the telling but it was somewhere between $500 and $1,200. Even if the laws of physics were unique, it doesn’t follow that the physical universe itself is unique. Or even unconventional means for that matter, as evidenced by the multiple times he’s survived the destruction of entire universes. Through this form of monetary acquisition, the Catholic Church was able to quickly establish itself as a major power during medieval times.