Does Islam Sometimes Make You Feel Stupid?

• The next thing that you must do is to evaluate the track record of the religion. Close to 2% of people in Brazil follow the practices and teachings of Spiritism, and Brazil has sects of the religion such as the Santo Daime and others which use an Amazonian tea called ayahuasca to induce psychological or physical changes in a religious context. In March of 1557 they held the first known Protestant service in Brazil. This religious heritage is still apparent today, with almost 70% of Canadians identifying as Catholic or Protestant. Today, Roman Catholic Christianity is still the dominant religion in the country, with 64.63% of people claiming to practice the religion. The Assemblies of God belong to the Pentecostal denomination of Christianity. In Brazil, around 6.46% of the population belongs to the religion of the Assemblies of God. Jehovah’s Witnesses make up just a tad more then three fourths of a million people in Brazil, with around 11,000 congregations spread throughout the country. Over the last several decades, however, the numbers of people that identify as being Atheist or Agnostic has steady climbed all the way up to around 15 million people in Brazil, or around 8% of the total population.

In Brazil, they are known as the Assembléias de Deus. The Mormon Church also has six temples that are scattered throughout Brazil, with a future temple being built in the city of Fortaleza. Which U.S. city was devastated by a tropical cyclone in August 2005? Three percent of the population identify as Muslim, and every metropolitan Canadian city has a thriving Muslim community, comprised of immigrants from almost every Muslim country in the world. Orthodox Christianity in Brazil is made up of a wide variety of churches due to the influx of various waves of immigrants from Greece, Ukraine, Russia, Armenia, Lebanon, and Syria over the course of the last century or so. Mostly due to its colonial Portuguese roots, Brazil has always been a predominantly Roman Catholic country. Most of the states in Brazil are Catholic, with more then half of the population in 25 of the 27 states being Catholic. The country is the world’s second most populous Muslim-Majority after Iran with 97% of the population being Muslims.

The second major Hindu group emigrated from Sri Lanka between the 1940s and the 1980s, settling mainly in the greater Toronto area. The third group is comprised of Canadian converts to various branches of Hinduism, largely through the efforts of such groups as the Hare Krishna movement over the past fifty years. The first group of Indian immigrants began arriving in British Columbia over one hundred years ago, and immigration continues today. The first Jewish immigrants arrived in the 18th Century. The amount of Brazilians who say that they are Protestant has risen rapidly in the last few decades of the 20th Century. In the more than a century since then there have been various churches, schools, seminaries, colleges and organizations set up to organize and promote Protestantism. There are other religions in the world which are closely related to the four major Abrahamic religions. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the four giant planets known as Jovian planets, all consisting mainly of hydrogen and helium. 29% identify as Protestants, which are further divided into a variety of branches including Adventists, Anabaptists, Anglicans, Baptists, Calvinists, Lutherans, Methodists, and Pentecostals. Bosniak organizers hoped to bury 98 identified victims of a 1992 massacre in Bratunac in which more than 600 persons, including the local imam, were killed.

Individually, Americans who report leaving their formative religion report more significant personal hardship than those who were raised-and remain-religious. Numerically, the majority of the world’s religions could be classed as “indigenous”, although the number of “indigenous religionists” is significantly smaller than the number of individuals who practice one of the “world religions”. That being said, Canada’s vibrant and diverse immigrant population has introduced a number of different religions to the country. Sunni Islam is the largest denomination of Islam in both the world and the largest religion in Pakistan constituting 82.8% of the population. The word Sunni is an Arabic word, Sunnah, which are used to refer to Prophet Muhammad’s teachings and saying as recorded in hadith. Sunni Islam holds the belief that Abu Bakr, who was Prophet Muhammad’s father-in-law, was the first Caliph contrary to Shias who believed that the first Caliph was Ali ibn Abi Talib who was Prophet Muhammad’s son-in-law and cousin.