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Islam has laid down systematic schemes of punishments and rewards. That means that Islam – currently the world’s second-largest religion – will surpass Christianity as the world’s biggest religion by the end of the century, the study projects. While the ultimate composition of France’s presence in the Sahel will have a significant effect on conflict dynamics, an absence of French military operations could increase violence as local actors compete for power in the wake of a French drawdown. The unit described in the book would also have to fit a power source and a second radio transmitter into its tiny shell in order to communicate with police computers. Counterterrorism operations have been plagued by extrajudicial killings, particularly of Peul civilians due to their perceived association with jihadist groups. Military interventions and counterterrorism operations have been undermined by human rights abuses and have failed to translate tactical military victories into a viable path for peace and stability.

In total, Human Rights Watch documented over 600 unlawful killings by security forces in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger from late 2019 to January 2021. Community-based armed groups have exacerbated this dynamic. Examples include the 2020 discovery of mass graves in Burkina Faso, where many Peul civilians were blindfolded and executed after being detained by local security forces. Should a member state not welcome such a mechanism within its borders, the investigative panel could gather evidence from afar, as in the case of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in 2013. Security Council members should consider passing a country-specific resolution on violence based on religion or belief in a conflict-affected context where there is sufficient member state agreement. Additionally, jihadist insurgency has prompted a wave of civilian displacement across the Sahel-the United Nations estimates that internal displacement in the region has quadrupled in the last two years-compounding the humanitarian toll of the violence. Examples include the 2016 kidnapping of French humanitarian worker Sophie Pétronin and the 2020 abduction of Malian opposition politician Soumaïla Cissé, both of whom were released in October 2020. JNIM has also abducted journalists, such as French journalist Olivier Dubois, who was kidnapped in April 2021. These kidnappings are valuable opportunities for JNIM in terms of material resources and human capital.

This group reportedly included Mimi Ould Baba, who was charged by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) for his role in orchestrating a 2016 attack in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, that killed 49 people, including one U.S. When the king of Egypt was told that the people had fled, the mind of Pharaoh and his servants was changed toward the people, and they said, “What is this we have done, that we have let Israel go from serving us?” So he made ready his chariot and took his army with him, and took six hundred chosen chariots and all the other chariots of Egypt with officers over all of them. “I think Islam hates us,” Trump told CNN’s Anderson Cooper, deploring the “tremendous hatred” that he said partly defined the religion. ” he told Cooper. Additionally, while France has since resumed cooperation with the Malian military, prolonged political and military crisis in Mali could create local dynamics that are more favorable to JNIM and facilitate the spread of violence across international borders to countries like Côte d’Ivoire and Benin.

In the twentieth century, a large number of new religions developed in Korea, many of which have taken root and are now coexisting along with the other more established religions. Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion – and not just in Muslim majority nations: 10% of all Europeans are projected to be members of the Muslim faith by 2050, according to a recent Pew Research Center study. There’s not a whole lot new in the findings from what Pew reported in 2015. This year’s annual survey also sheds light on how Muslims are perceived around the world, including American views on Islam today compared to 2002 by political party. They cited Trump’s statements about Muslims during his campaign for president as part of their rulings. The status of Muslims in the United States has been front and center with President Donald Trump’s travel ban against six Muslim-majority countries being temporarily blocked by two federal judges. African Americans, advocating the teachings of Islam and originally favoring the separation of Black and white racial groups in the United States: members are known as Black Muslims. Ethnic stigmatization and extrajudicial violence against Peul communities risk increasing the JNIM threat by validating the self-defense arguments made by groups such as Katibat Macina and providing them with recruitment propaganda.