Tag Archives: bible

How can i Explain God’s Wrath in the Bible as Loving?

In India, which has the second-largest Muslim population, Islam is a minority religion (making up 15% of the country’s population) and Hinduism is the majority faith. The times are ready for Jews and Muslims to recognize each other once again as a branch of the tree of monotheism, as brothers descended from the same father – Abraham, the forerunner of faith in the Living God. Isn’t it blind faith to believe things are true without knowing they are provably true? Jesus of Nazareth died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead, proving that the Christian message is true. Related Article: Jesus Help Me! Especially when religious identity coincides with cultural and ethnic identity it is a solemn duty of believers to ensure that religious sentiment is not used as an excuse for hatred and conflict. For a Jew or a Muslim, religious or secular, thinking of Jerusalem means to feel reason and sentiment mingled together. Allah Says, (what means): ” Say, “What would my Lord care for you if not for your supplication?

From a theological point of view, dialogue between Jews and Muslims is easier than, say, dialogue between Jews and Chrisitians. Indeed, dialogue between Jews and Muslims was much more extensive in the past. As to Jewish-Muslim relationships, if we reflect on the level of inter-religious dialogue in past centuries, we must frankly admit that in this respect we have been moving backwards. The myriad variables and unique genetic makeup of humans make some scientists doubt that we’ll ever have a cure for every type of cancer. In particular, both Jewish and Islamic Scriptures state specifically that God through His chosen servant Moses decided to free the offspring of Jacob from slavery in Egypt and to make them the inheritors of the Promised Land. Surely it is not to ask God that he make people choose Him on their own, because wouldn’t that be God’s doing as well? Ibn Gabirol (Avicembro), Maimonides, Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and Ibn Rushd (Averroes) were not isolated intellectuals but part of an ongoing intercommunication and shared well of knowledge.

Even in the more oppressed countries, there is a certain part of the educated population that does not blindly accept the local view. For those Muslim leaders who live in democratic countries, this declaration is not so dangerous. This means that the punishment of Allah will certainly be felt by those who reject the Message of the Prophets, may Allah exalt their mention, after being aware of them. The role of the Messenger, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, was to deliver the Message, and the role of those receiving the Message was to hurry to the obedience of Allah and His Messenger, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam; if they refused then Allah’s punishment will be justly theirs. This Ayah (verse) explains the goals of the Message, the essence of what it contains and the role of the Messenger, sallallahu ’alayhi wa sallam, and the community he was sent to. Moreover, the Qur’an expressly recognizes that Jerusalem plays the same role for Jews that Mecca has for Muslims. Both Qur’an and Torah indicate quite clearly that the link between the Jews and the Land of Israel does not depend on any kind of colonization project but directly on the will of God Almighty.

Today, looking toward the future, we must again create the same kind of intellectual atmosphere, until it is common for Islamic theologians to read Buber and Levinas, and for Jewish scholars to study the works of Sha’rawi and Ashmawi. The more we discover our common roots, the more we can hope for a common future of peace and prosperity. In fact, the periods of peace and war were not vastly different from those which existed between the Christian states of Europe for most of European history. People of noble heritage are called blue bloods, and for hundreds of years the ruling families of Europe have married almost exclusively within their pre-existing noble lines in an effort to keep the bloodline “pure.” The family trees are incredibly complicated and tangled. People do tend to stop what they’re doing when I walk by. The people responsible for the accident(they didn`t mean to by the way) soon discover the unusual gift of their “patient”, and begin to take advantage of it. Muslims number 1.8 billion people worldwide (2015), representing 24% of global population.