Tag Archives: existence

Might a Coercive Proof be made For God’s Existence?

The religion or religious concept need not embrace belief in the existence of God or a supreme being to be throughout the scope of the first Amendment. The Supreme Court has interpreted religion to mean a honest and significant belief

However what is the Evidence For Jesus’ Existence?

In accordance to numerous Soviet and Western sources, over one-third of the nation’s people nonetheless professed religious perception (Christianity and Islam had essentially the most believers). Nevertheless, over the course of centuries these animist streams have blended with the mainstream

God’s Existence can’t be Proved but can Solely Be Assumed?

Tlaloc – Tlaloc was the god of rain and water. A God one can depend on, One who miracles can do. The state in this model does not acknowledge one formal religion; a formal national state’s church doesn’t exist. The

However what’s the Evidence For Jesus’ Existence?

Some religions would clarify it away as “There’s a cause for everything”, or “God is punishing us”, or whatever. There are tons of (by some estimates, 1000’s) of religions across the world. Sheikh: It actually means “old”, “elderly” and it’s