Tag Archives: exploring

Exploring Different Types of Fasts before God: which Approach is Right for You?

God bless you, brother. Islamic tradition also describes the 99 names of God. It is my hope and prayer that God has made it possible for you to confess Jesus Christ as your Lord (The One who has ultimate authority

Exploring the many Names of God in Different Religions

This deity is known as Bondye, “the good god”. These are more intimately involved in day-to-day life than Bondye, who is a remote figure. Although the life expectancy of Greek men and women was for some time slightly longer than

Exploring the Beliefs and Practices of the Church of God: a Comprehensive Guide

According to the Catholic Church, the pope does not bestow sainthood upon people, rather he simply canonises them to make official what God has already done. In 2016, she made controversial comments about transgendered people, putting her in more hot