Tag Archives: imagination

13.1 Editorial: Myth and Imagination – Betty Blair

The brother of Zeus and Greek god of the sea figures in many myths. Finally, Poseidon figures prominently in the story of the Minotaur. A second notable story involves the contest between Athena and Poseidon for the patronage of Athens. The Big Story. Associated Press. Oddly for the god of the sea, Poseidon is deeply associated with horses. He created the first horse, introduced riding and chariot racing to mankind, and rides above the waves in a chariot drawn by horses with golden hooves. The mighty Earthshaker, Poseidon ruled the waves that the ancient seafaring Greeks depended upon. Perhaps the most notable are those related by Homer in the Iliad and Odyssey, where Poseidon emerges as a foe of the Trojans, champion of the Greeks and dire enemy of the hero Odysseus. Again and again, the sea god conjures winds that keep Odysseus away from his home in Ithaca. The Greek god’s antipathy toward the wily Odysseus is kindled by the mortal wound that the hero deals to Polyphemus the Cyclops, a son of Poseidon. Alternate Greek myths suggest that Poseidon’s mother, Rhea, transformed him into a stallion to stymie Cronos’ appetite. It was in the form of a stallion that Poseidon pursued Demeter and fathered a foal, the horse Areion.

God is The Supreme Soul, He has the same form as the Human Soul, a subtle (extremely small) Point of light, God has already incarnated on this earth & establishing Golden Age by Teaching RAJYOGA MEDITATION (A connection between Human Soul & our Father Supreme Soul). On Land, Earth: Earth was for the living. As with many Mesoamerican cultures that based their living on rain-dependent agriculture, the ancient Maya felt a particular devotion for the deities controlling rain. Natural events of different intensities from the vivifying rain and wet season storms, to the more dangerous and destructive hailstorms and hurricanes, were considered manifestations of the god. For a season at least, perhaps you will not be able to feel His love, and knowledge will have to suffice. In 2015, more than 100 countries and territories have no official or preferred religion. He’s a talented writer, and he gets to touch a lot more toys and talk to a lot more industry power brokers than I do. Jim and Dianne believe God’s heart beats for the nations of the world and they carry an anointing and mandate to make His presence and power known to those of all walks of life.

This installment introduces a secret society dedicated to resisting Voldemort’s growing power. Ceremonies in honor of the rain god were held in each Maya city and at different levels of society. The pre-classic shaman-rulers were said to be able to reach the inaccessible places where the rain gods dwelled, and intercede with them for the people. As a discipline, Religion takes gods and spirits seriously as entities with which humans live and make worlds. Rain gods or rain-related deities were worshiped beginning in very ancient times and were known under many names among different Mesoamerican people. In the sacred cenote of Chichén Itzá, for example, people were thrown and left to drown there, accompanied by precious offerings of gold and jade. For example, the Mesoamerican rain god was known as Cocijo by the Late Formative period Zapotec of the Oaxaca Valley, as Tlaloc by the Late Postclassic Aztec people in Central Mexico; and of course as Chaac among the ancient Maya.

Chaac (spelled variously Chac, Chaak, or Chaakh; and referred to in scholarly texts as God B) is the name of the rain god in the Maya religion. He is often represented holding jade axes and snakes that he uses to throw at the clouds to produce rain. Rituals to propitiate rain took place in the agricultural fields, as well as in more public settings such as plazas. Poseidon and Zeus: Poseidon may have had an equal claim to the title of King of the Gods, but Zeus is the one who took it. Even with Odysseus, who had ruined his son Polyphemus’ life, Poseidon behaved in a less fearsome manner than might be expected of an enraged Sturm und Drang kind of god. Poseidon is often shown alongside his wife Amphitrite in a sea chariot drawn by sea creatures. Attributes of Poseidon: The symbol for which Poseidon is best known is the trident. Journeyman quarterback Vinny Testaverde played 21 seasons in the NFL for seven different clubs, but his best years were spent with the New York Jets.