Tag Archives: jamaica

Religion Developed in Jamaica?

Although, there has been periods where violent crimes has been an issue ,but in the most recent report it is trending downwards, whether the perpetrators are drawing closer to religion or it is the government implemented measures.But it is my belief that for the most part, religion is deeply rooted in the Jamaican culture, and as a result we are a very relaxed, friendly and loving society, and religion is about love. The man who tried to impose the rule that everyone had to practice Catholicism and no other religion was Ferdinand II. Today’s world is full of moral conundrums that could have us doubting which economic belief system we value and practice the most. ” is a vivid one and one with which we will all have some familiarity. Peter adds one further argument to stimulate a healthy appetite for the Word of God among the people of God.

If the leadership of the church is not exemplifying a healthy appetite for God’s Word then the people may imagine that other food will suffice and the church will lose its strength and fail the Lord. But the encouragement is that with a constant healthy appetite for God’s Word we will come to that Word and be strengthened for all the service that God may call us to. There’s power in understanding that the warmth and compassion exuded by the Dalai Lama doesn’t come naturally, but is a product of decades of daily mindful practice. Following these tips will establish our authority as spiritual masters with power to bring about immense change within our communities. The teachers in the church mustn’t be complacent to think that our traditional orthodoxy will automatically guard us from error. Someone who will try to bend the veins in our hearts to feel otherwise or someone who will rearrange our brain nerves to think otherwise is not for us. Before personal (and affordable) lifelike avatars can be developed, the structure of the human brain needs to be mapped, and neural structures, connections and their functions need to be deciphered. My wife and I can still recall the agony of thirty years ago when invited for the evening to the home of a fellow Free Church College student.

This is a responsibility for every member of the church, for the church is not stronger than its individual members and our strength only comes by indulging our appetite for God’s Word. The good witch Befana comes bearing gifts for Italian children on Epiphany. While the Nile runs for 4,132 miles, the Amazon comes up short at 3,977 miles. While you live on the earth and surely have taken a couple of geography classes in your day, how much do you actually know about the planet and its geography? If you’re standing at an automated teller machine, you don’t want everyone around you to know how much cash is in your checking account. If someone asked you what the kingdom of God meant, would you know how to answer them? Throughout the Gospel of Matthew, we see Matthew using the phrase “kingdom of heaven” when referring to the announcement of the rule of Jesus Christ and the good news of His reign. Genesis 3:4-6,Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate.

We live in a day when we are bombarded with precautions about satisfying our appetite. “spiritual” rather than literal, but the term may be translated more straight-forwardly, as in the AV, as “of the word” which fits in with the context where Peter has just been describing the living Word of God by which believers are given new birth (1:25). The closely accompanying truth that requires even more emphasis is that this word-milk must be “pure”, unadulterated. Out­wardly, lives may appear to conform to God’s prescription for godly liv­ing, but internally, a battle is being waged between covetousness, greed, lust, and bitterness on the one hand, and righteousness and holiness in thought, word and deed, on the other. We are thinking here of the Word sustaining the believer in the ongoing service of our Lord and so a more appropriate picture may be of the long distance athlete having to avoid banned substances in his training.