Tag Archives: japan

How A White Lie Gave Japan KFC For Christmas

Part 3 describes the unfolding of the sale over a 4-year period. Part 1 describes the start of the sale from the seller’s perspective. A Sale is considered closed when the buyer and seller reach agreement on terms for the

Japan: an Attempt at Interpretation

Ishtar isn’t the only ancient god to change a mortal into a wolf. But for those of us who notice it most when we travel, change in routine is probably the culprit, says Carroll, although constipation generally requires a set

Religion in Japan

When it came to the Bill of Rights, James Madison also took a page straight from the Enlightenment playbook when he included such basic personal liberties as the right to freedom of speech, religion and assembly. Despite the very real

Japan – Shinto, Buddhism, Animism

For the truth of my statements, I appeal to the testimony of the God himself. See for example: Elections Appeal 1/65 Yardor v. The Chairman of the Election Committee, 19(3) P.D. The unaffiliated (76%), followed by white mainline Protestants (63%),