Tag Archives: names

10 Names of God and what they Mean

Nevertheless, it was better than the “occasional causes” of the Cartesians, from whom Spinoza started, and according to whom God is supposed to effect all things, but only on occasion. Could God create a rock so heavy He could not

What are all the Different Names of God in the Holy Bible?

Because God operates on a principle of sufficient reason, there must be a reason why he chose to create just this world: it must be the best one possible. Well, the real reason behind the musically-inclined titles is that the

How to Incorporate the Names of God into your Prayers for a Deeper Connection

Muslims also believe that Prophet Isa was a great Prophet but they don’t believe that he was the son of God. During the reign of the first four caliphs, Arab Muslims conquered large regions in the Middle East, including Syria,

The nine billion Names of God

This antiquated political apparatus left Tibet politically isolated with few friends in international diplomatic forums at the time when crisis swamped the country in 1959. The Shamarpa identified the linkage of religion with politics in Tibet as a major weakness