Tag Archives: native
Native American Religion in Early America, Divining America, TeacherServe®, National Humanities Center
Another interesting, recent development in the philosophy of religion literature has been the engagement of philosophers with ostensible evils that God commands in the Bible (see Bergmann, Murray, & Rea 2010). For a fascinating engagement with the problem of evil
Spirituality Of Native Americans
Spirituality Of Native Americans So anyway, I finally got familiar with the area, and after I figured out some of the roads, and where I was at, I found a few cool spots to share with everyone. This article goes
William Apess, Pequot Pastor: a Native American Revisioning of Christian Nationalism in the Early Republic
He’s one of the wisest and most bracing voices on contemporary American religion that I know. Worshiping anything or anyone other than the one true God is a violation of this commandment. Belief in God and faith in a superior
Native American Church
The death of a god was often considered a prerequisite to the appearance and prospering of the plants, and this mythical event was repeated through human sacrifice that was either accompanied by or replaced by animal sacrifice. Why does God