Tag Archives: provocative

Having A Provocative Religion Works Only Under These Conditions

Debates over the problem of evil (if God is indeed omnipotent and perfectly good, why is there evil?) have poignancy precisely because one side challenges this chief judgment about God’s goodness. Further, militia members often reason that defending themselves, their families, and communities against the New World Order is a literal battle between good (i.e. God) and evil (i.e. Satan or the devil). The symbol gained popularity in the Western world during the late Middle Ages and Renaissance through alchemy and emblem traditions, becoming a modern star beyond just tattoos. Also, the KKK’s primary symbol (e.g. “Blood Drop Cross” or Mystic Insignia of a Klansman) – a white cross with a red tear drop at the center – symbolizes the atonement and sacrifice of Jesus Christ and those willing to die in his name. Aries must learn to slow down and consider Libra’s needs, while Libra must be willing to stand up for their own desires and not always defer to Aries’ demands. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for your own purposes beyond the ‘fair use’ exception, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

White supremacists, sovereign citizens, militia extremists and violent anti-abortion adherents use religious concepts and scripture to justify threats, criminal activity and violence. They differ from secular charities like the Red Cross and United Way in that their call to serve is based on scripture from the New Testament, the Torah, or other religious texts. His ability to expound the Word of God in a dynamic way gives him a platform to minister under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Ben Klassen is credited with creating this new religion for the white race in Florida in 1973. Klassen authored two primary religious texts for the Creativity Movement; “Nature’s Eternal Religion” and “the White Man’s Bible.” Creativity emphasizes moral conduct and behavior for the white race (e.g. “your race is your religion”) including its “Sixteen Commandments” and the “Five Fundamental Beliefs of Creativity.” Klassen had a vision that every worthy member of the Creativity religion would become an ordained minister in the Church.

A lesser-known white supremacist group is the neo-Nazi Creativity Movement. Lesser known are the ways other white supremacy groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan and the Creativity Movement (formerly known as the Church of Creator or World Church of the Creator), incorporate religious teachings, texts, and symbolism into their group ideology and activities to justify violating the law and committing violent acts. Aryan prison gang members may also have another reason for declaring affiliation with Odinism and Asatru due to prison privileges – such as special dietary needs or extra time to worship – given to those inmates who claim membership in a religious group. Odinism and Asatru are the most popular Nordic mythological religions among white supremacists. These non-Christian religious philosophies are not inherently racist, but have been exploited and embraced by white supremacists due to their symbolically strong image of “Aryan” life and Nordic heritage. Towards the end of the 1990s, many in the militia movement prepared for the turn of the millennium (e.g. Y2K) due to the impending belief that American society would collapse and result in anarchy and social chaos. The failure of the Y2K prophecy left many in the militia movement disillusioned and they left as a result.

Chip Berlet, a former senior analyst at Political Research Associates, points out that some white supremacists may be attracted to Nordic mythological religions as a result of their affinity toward Greek mythology, Celtic lore or interest in Nazi Germany, whose leaders celebrated Nordic myths and used Nordic symbolism for their image of heroic warriors during World War II. Racial Nordic mysticism is most commonly embraced by neo-Nazis, racist skinheads and Aryan prison gang members. After Bakker spent some time in prison actually studying the Bible, he wrote in Prosperity and the Coming Apocalypse that he had been an “unwitting false prophet,” presenting “a Disneyland gospel, in which the good guys always get rich.” He added: “I, like so many of my former colleagues, had merely been preaching what I had heard some other preachers say. Racist prison gangs have also been known to write letters and inscribe messages on tattoos using the runic alphabet. Bad Religion’s always aspired to a greater meaning in their music, whether that be of political activism or in other domains, and their messages remain as relevant today as the day they were written.