Tag Archives: western
God, Western Ideas Of
What does it mean that God is holy, holy, holy? What does it imply that God is omnibenevolent? What does it mean to bless God? Instead, acknowledging that the issues we say and the things we mean are undeniably interwoven
History of Art: the Western Tradition
I love my God. Dionysus was the god of fertility and wine, later considered a patron of the arts. Other forms referring to the one religious God also must be capitalized, such as Allah, Father, or Jehovah. While the Quran
God, Western Concepts Of
Published two years apart, they address the manifestation of God in natureone as a romantic ode, the other as a rationalist treatise. The other issue is commonly referred to as Mandal, a reference to the Mandal Commission, which was set
God the Father in Western Art
Even though the Aztecs continued to worship some of their own gods after the conquest, worshipping in secret and even disguising deities as nominal Catholic saints, the cult of the war god was totally suppressed. Popular in the Arab world